Much of our population is often split into two kinds of people: Dog people and Cat people. Dog people enjoy the loyalty, the playfulness, the hilarious dopey nature of canines. Cat people… well, I don’t know, I can’t relate. What I do know is that it is common for people to have several cats, and love big fat ones. How fat? You’d be surprised. There are many strange cat breeds that grow so much you start to wonder, is this legal to own? So, join me today and find out more about the Top 10 Biggest Cat Breeds! In the comment section, tell us which cat breed you like the most or would like to own! 10.Burmese: Ah, the Famous Burmese cats. They were bred from a cat named Wong Mau, the first of their entire kind, who was brought to the U.S. and bred with a Siamese in 1930. Unlike other cats on this list, they’re actually friendly, curious and are overall pleasant, which could be from their Siamese breeding. Burmese cats aren’t enormous, but rather medium-sized cats. They’re...