KING COBRA FACTS, which you don't know. The Ophiophagus hannah, or king cobra, is one among the world’s most venomous animals. This serpent usually preys on other smaller snakes and lizards, also as tiny mammals like rats and mice. Surprisingly, for such a dangerous predator, it tends to be quite timid in nature. It avoids citizenry altogether unless confronted or attacked. However, if it feels intimidating, it'd lunge at the perceived threat. King Cobras are massive, capable of growing from 10.3 to 13 ft. There’s a record-breaking specimen that was measured at a powerful 19.2 feet, making it the longest venomous snake within the world. Its skin is typically a dark shade of green, adorned with black and white circles everywhere its body, with the exception of the top. A King Cobra’s mouth is rounded, and it contains two large fangs th...
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