Dogs are one of the most loyal animals found on this planet. They are very special pets help in defensive purposes, like guard dogs, and are also useful in crime investigation due to their amazing capability of smell. There are also several types of dogs that are very powerful possess incredible strength and have a very strong bite force. These powerful dogs are highly demanding and can be used for various purposes. 10. Dogo Argentino: These dogs are native to Argentina and are pure white. They are considered one of the most powerful and strong dogs in the world. Dogo Argentino is large and commonly used for hunting Pumas and boars. They are also known for their bravery and have a beautiful athletic body. This dog breed is capable of traveling long distances because of its high stamina. They are humble cheerful and can weigh up to 100 pounds their average life expectancy is 9 to 15 years. This dog breed has a massive bite force of 500 psi Wow! 9. American Pit Bull Terrier: These ...
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